Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

the Hive

義工可以在任何非牟利組織的服務時數兌換the Hive捐贈的獎勵!


Founded in Hong Kong 2012 - we have designed, opened and now operate 20 spaces in 7 countries across Asia Pacific, from Australia to Japan - becoming this region's widest and most recognised boutique coworking network.

By delivering an exceptional Hive Experience, we strive to ensure that every one of our members has a happy and successful day, every day. Our best-in-class events and community engagement empowers our members with the network effect. Helping them build deep, lasting connections across the Hive membership base, whatever their industry, role or location.

We at the Hive pride ourselves on our four core values: to be Together, to go the Extra Mile, to be Accountable and Mindful. Collectively, these values make up our T.E.A.M., representing the core philosophies and principles that drive our business and help us thrive.



Paint & Wine at the Hive

Create a unique art piece accompanied by a few glasses of wine!


以5 義工時數換取

the Hive Day Pass

Make work relaxing and flexible in co-working spaces!


以8 義工時數換取



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