Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

Verm City Rock Climbing Gym

義工可以在任何非牟利組織的服務時數兌換Verm City Rock Climbing Gym捐贈的獎勵!


Established in 2011, from an old theatre in near Kennedy Town, Da Verm was born.

We created the first full facility rock climbing gym in Hong Kong. From bouldering, lead climbing, and top rope.

It was here where we first introduced rock climbing to the public masses as a regular sport. We had transformed an extreme sport to an suitable activity for all to enjoy.

From here we moved to bigger and bolder ideas…



Rock Climbing (Bouldering) Beginner Package in Verm City Rock Climbing Gym

In search of something thrilling? Come by and try rock climbing!


以8 義工時數換取



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